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wide range, namely from 1:500 to 1:50 000. Projects worth noting are
stereoscopic survey cover for the counties of Berkshire 1:10 000,
Derbyshire 1:12 000, Glamorgan 1:5000, Northamptonshire 1:12 000, and
Nottinghamshire 1:12 000, The areas of at least six proposed new towns were
also photographed. The whole drying out area of the Wash was photographed in
true colour at 1:10 000 in a four-day period during low-water spring tidal
Dealing now with mapping operations during the four years under review,
over 450 separate surveys have been produced at scales ranging from 1:50 to
1:50 000, amounting to a total area of mapping of approximately 56 000 km,
The vast majority of the work has been based on aerial photography and
photogrammetric mapping. The projects have been for countries all over the
world, including the United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Malta, Libya, West Africa,
Zambia, Cyprus, the Trucial States, Saudi Arabia, Burma, Singapore,
Malaysia, South America, Honduras and Jamaica.
The larger scale mapping contracts, in the range 1:50 to 1:2500, were
mainly in the United Kingdom and included 1:500 scale surveys for over 225
route km of proposed new motorways or existing road improvements. Other
large scale surveys in the UK included work for different civil engineering
projects such as land reclamation, reservoir construction, building and so on.
The most extensive surveys carried out in the period include 1:2500 scale
mapping of the whole of Singapore and Gibraltar; 1:1000 mapping of copper mining
areas in Zambia; mapping and orthophotography production of two large
irrigation, dam site and reservoir areas on the Sittang River in Burma at scales
1:10 000, 1:2000 and 1:25 000 respectively; and mapping at 1:50 000, with
orthophoto background, of 31 sheets in Saudi Arabia.
GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. Dept. of Geography
The Department of Geography, University of Glasgow, has continued its
extensive programme of specialised thematic mapping, particularly glacier
mapping - in Iceland (Fjallsjokull), Norway (Briksdalsbre) and Switzerland
(Brenay and Otemma Glaciers). In addition, a series of specialised vegetation
and geomorphological maps covering various national nature reserves in
Scotland (Rhum, Forvie and Endrick) and in Northern Ireland (Dundrum), have
been completed.
In the period 1968-1971, Hunting Survey's aircraft flew approximately
600, 000 km? of photographic cover for mapping, mosaicing and the study of
resources, much of it in colour.
Photography in the United Kingdom included cover of 10 counties at 1:12 000
scale, some of which was commissioned specially for detailed study in
connection with the National Census in 1971.
Survey work carried out in the UK was mainly for highway design and urban
development, particularly the former, where tenders are now let by the new
road construction units formed in recent years. In this type of survey the digital
ground model has supplemented and in some cases superseded contours.