Many of the photogrammetric Surveys carried out abroad were in Africa
and Middle Eastern countries where the planning of roads,
industrial sites called for topographic and volumetric surv
1:500 and 1:100 000, ranging from 100 to 70 000 km? .
pipelines and
eys at scales between
To undertake all these operations some 225 000 instrument hours were
.Jyecorded on the photogrammetric instruments and a large staff of land
Surveyors were continuously occupied in the UK and overseas,
HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT, Ministry of Defence (Navy)
Photogrammetry is used within the Department to assist the surveyor in the
field and to update the current Admiralty charts. More specialized tasks
include aerial triangulation,
Accuracies comparable with
those of conventional marine surveys have been
The Photogeological Unit, Overseas Division,
Institute of Geological
Sciences, London,
has carried out photogeological and geological surveys as
technical aid to developing countries under the auspieces of Overseas
Development Administration, Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
undertaken in Burma, British Honduras, Ecuador,
Swaziland, Thailand and Turkey.
Mapping was
Guyana, Hong Kong, Peru,
The ownership of this company passed to Air Holdings Ltd, in April 1970.
Six Avro Anson aircraft are possessed. It has continued to carry out aerial
surveys in the United Kingdom; in particular county photographic surveys and
aerial surveys for the Department of the Environment, with particular
reference to motorway construction. A number of its aircraft has also been
engaged on work for the Ordnance Survey.
and Surveying
During the period in question, the Department has been involved in three
important archaeological projects. Firstly,the Silbury Hill project, which was
largely sponsored and publicised by the British Broadcasting Corporation. This
involved a large scale survey of the biggest prehistoric man-made mound in
Europe and the surrounding area. Photography was commissioned from
Meridian Airmaps Ltd. ground control points were pre-marked, anda 1:200
scale survey with 0. 5 m contour interval was completed by December 1968.
Secondly, there was the Butser Hill ancient farm survey. The Association
for the Advancement of Science and the Council for British Archaeology had
jointly proposed the establishment of pre-historic farming conditions on the
slopes of the South Downs near Butser Hill in Hampshire. A preliminary
survey, incorporating permanent survey marks, was carried out at a scale of
1:1000 with 1 m contour interval. Meridian Airmaps Ltd. were responsible for
photography in January 1971 and work was completed in August 1971,
shoal water depth determination and beach profiling.
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