Full text: National reports (Part 2)

National Report for U.S.A. 
HIS NATIONAL REPORT of the American 
Society of Photogrammetry is for the 
period since the 1968 Eleventh Congress of 
the International Society for Photogram- 
metry at Lausanne, Switzerland, to the 
Twelfth International Congress at Ottawa, 
Canada. Itis our endeavor to give an account 
of the Society's activities toward fulfilling the 
The objective and business of the Society is to 
advance knowledge in the art and science of pho- 
togrammetry; to provide means for the dissemina- 
tion of new knowledge and information; to encour- 
age the free exchange of ideas and communication 
among those contributing to the advance of pho- 
togrammetry to stimulate student interest in photo- 
grammelry; to exert its efforts toward the improve- 
ment of standards; to uphold high ethical prin- 
ciples; and to extend and encourage the use of 
photogrammetry in related fields. 
The Society's definition of photogrammetry is: 
Photogrammetry is the art, science and technology 
of obtaining reliable information about physical 
objects and their environment through the processes 
of recording, measuring and interpreting photo- 
graphic images and patterns of radiant energy. 
Figure 1 shows the new organizational 
structure of the American Society of Photo- 
grammetry. Each region and each division is 
represented by one elected director. Only the 
President and the First and Second Vice 
Presidents are elected by the membership at 
Besides the national headquarters, in Falls 
Church, Virginia, the Society is divided into 
17 regions (Figure 2). A small percent of the 
annual dues of each member goes to support 
the region in which he resides. Within some 
of the regions there are local chapters which 
in turn are supported by the region in which 
they are located. 
The accompanying graphs (Figures 3, 4, 5, 
and 6) show the membership of the Society 
for the period of this report. 
The Society disseminates scientific photo- 
grammetric information through meetings 
and publications. It publishes, monthly, Pho- 
togrammetric Engineering. This journal also 
contains the Society’s Newsletter, which gives 
L. W. Swanson 
the members current news of the regions, the 
members, new and interesting projects, and 
other photogrammetric notes of interest. In 
addition to the distribution to each member, 
Figure 7 shows subscriptions to the Journal. 
The Society has published, since its found- 
ing, numerous basic manuals of the science of 
photogrammetry. During the past four years 
three such manuals have been available (Fig- 
ure 8). (Table 1) 
In addition, the Society, through local and 
national meetings, disseminates knowledge of 
the science of photogrammetry as rapidly and 
effectively as possible. Since the Lausanne 
Congress the American Society of Photo- 
grammetry has sponsored or cosponsored the 
following meetings, symposiums, and work- 
shops. Without exception all have been well 
received and supported. 
1968 Sept. 29-Oct. 3. ASP-ACSM Semi-Annual 
Convention, San Antonio, Texas. Pro- 
ceedings published. 
1969 January. Computational Photogrammetry 
Seminar, Syracuse, N. Y. Cosponsored 
with Syracuse University. 40 papers pub- 
lished in proceedings. 
February. Sponsored "Earth Observations 
from Balloons" Symposium, Washington, 
D. C. 14 papers published in proceedings. 
March 9-14. 35th ASP-ACSM Annual 
Meeting, Washington, D. C. 35 papers 
published in proceedings. & 
June. “New Horizons in Color Aerial Pho- 
tography,” New York, N. Y. Cosponsored 
with Society of Photographic Scientists & 
Engineers. 37 papers published in proceed- 
September 23-26. ASP-ACSM Fall Con- 
vention, Portland, Ore. 39 papers pub- 
lished in proceedings.*% 
October. Cooperated ''Remote Sensing 
Symposium" at University of Michigan, 
Ann Arbor. 
November. Cosponsored 'Symposium on 
Photogrammetry, Lasers and Holograms,” 
Oakland University, Rochester, Mich. 
December. Cooperated with Alaska Dept. 
of Economic Development in ''Seminar on 
Remote Sensing," Alaska. 
1970 January. Sponsored Symposium on Com- 
putational Photogrammetry, Alexandria, 
Va. 32 papers published in proceedings. 
March 1-6. 36th ASP-ACSM Annual 

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