Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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survey, different kinds of aircrafts and helycopters 
equipped with necessary navigational aids are used. 
The AFA-TES-10 serial topographic camera with a 
flattening glass in its focal plane was designed and 
put into production. This instrument is equipped with 
à Russar-63V lens of 100 mm focal length. Relative 
aperture is 1/6,8 to 1/16. Rotary-dise shutter - in 
coaxial performante. Exposure range 1/70 to 1/850 sec. 
The instrument is provided with an automatic de- 
vice for exposure control (ARE), operating in accord- 
ance with the changing of integral brightness of local 
objects within the area covered by an aerial photograph. 
At a maximum lens aperture the exposure time is re- 
gulated. At a minimum exposure and further increase of 
brightness — the exposure is adjusted by changing the 
relative aperture. Automated exposure control allows to 
obtain negatives of constant integral density within 
+ 15% for regions characterized by considerable varia- 
tions of landscape brighiness. 
The film-magazine is provided with & film-flatten- 
ing facility. 
Each photograph has the folloving information 
fixed on it: the cross-wire image, readings of two nu- 
merators, AFA-number, code of the photographed object, 
date of survey, focal length of the camera lens, and 
the coordinates of the principal point of the image. 
The possibility of in-printing a sensitometric wedge 
in any desired area of the aerial film was also pro- 
vided for. 
The AFA-TES-10 aerial camera is equipped with a 
gyrostabilized mount, radioaltimeter, and statoscopee 
Beside this camera, various other types of home-pro- 
duced aerial cameras with focal lengths ranging from 
50 to 500 mm are used in the USER. 

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