Full text: National reports (Part 2)

- 45. - 
The only difference consists in that for applica- 
tion of the four-dimensional photogrammetry either an 
indication or fixation of the object (or of some its 
single points) at some fixed time intervals in a three- 
-dimensional space is needed. | ! 
Efficient analytical methods of coordinate deter- 
mination have been developed, that may be applied both 
in three-dimensional and four-dimensional photogram- 
metry; these are: 
— spatial phototheodolite, 
— photogrammetric inserting of determined points 
in a rigid angle, 
- photogrammetric phototheodolite triangulation. 
The enumerated methods are based on that, instead 
of geodetic or usual field measurements, those photo- 
grammetric are executed, and instead of angle - or 
distance-measuring geodetic instrument - à single photo- 
theodolite picture or a stereopair is used. For plotting 
of photographs electronic computers are used. 
The above-indicated methods give the needed accura- 
cy of coordinates, both for mapping and non-topographic 
applications of terrestrial photogrammetry. 
Education. History. Bibliography. Terminology. 
There exists in the USSR a net of special training 
centres, namely - topographic technical schools and geo- 
detic institutes that are training technicians and 
engineers in geodesy, photogrammetry, and cartography. 
Photogrammetric engineers are graduated by the Moscow 
and Novosibirsk institutes of geodesy, &erial survey 
and cartography ( MIIGAIK and NIIGAIK ). 
The training institutes and technical schools are 
provided with all necessary educational aids and 
technical means. 

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