Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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Training is based on unified curricula. According 
To syllabuses of instruction, a future engineer-aero- 
photogrammetrist must receive, besides the necessary 
knowledge and skill in geodesy and cartogrephy, also a 
fundamental training in photogrammetry and, in particular, 
he must be able: | 
- to project and carry out aerial surveying and 
laboratory photographic work, 
— to carry out field inspection and execute inter- 
pretation of photographs in the field, 
= to establish photogrammetric control, 
- to plot photographs and compile originals of topo- 
graphic maps both by universal and differential 
- to execute terrestrial stereophotogrammetric sur- 
vey and plot the obtained photographs for solving n. 
practical problems, e E © 
— to elaborate technical projects for executing 
aerophotogeodetic work. : , 
In the course of their preparation for actual work 
in quality of engineers, the students do practical work 
at industrial enterprises and in expeditions. 
The teaching staff of educational institutions that 
are training specialists of high professional skill, 
includes outstanding (leading) educational scientists 
which, as a rule, combine their teaching and training 
work with scientific activity. A number of eminent Soviet 
learned geodesists and photogrammetrists are well,known, 
who have greatly contributed to both training of speciai- 
ists in geodesy and aerial surveying, and to scientific 
progress in the field of creating home photogrammetric 
instruments and facilities - these are N.M.Alexapolsky, 
F.V.Drobyshev, M.D.Konshin, A.S.Skiridov, G.V.Romanovsky, n 
N.A.Urmaev, M.M.Rusinov, N.G.Kell, A.N.Lobanov,N.P.Lavrov, 0 e 
V.Ya.Mihailov, and others. 
Much attention is being paid to training of

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