Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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Automation of photointerpretation process is a 
complicated problem. 
Improvement of the "lanscape - interpretation method" 
is accompanied by establishing and completing standard 
key-photographs. Complex key for both the typic land- 
scapes and individual branchs of science (geology, soil 
Science, vegetation, woods etc.) are being made; & uni- 
fied method of working out the(standard) keys is being 
Of great interest for the study of natural condi- 
tions (geographic milieu) is the imagery obtained by 
airborne infrared radiolocation systems. 
Such imagery as exposed from the screen of a 
cathode-ray tube onto a photographic material, give what 
may be called "selfstyled" aerial images of the terrain, 
on which natural objects are represented by combinations 
of different photographic densities in accordance with 
the physical properties of these objects, 
Analysis of infrared (thermal) photography of active 
volcanic regions of Kamchatka has shown large possibility 
of using this imagery in (forecasting volcaniceruptions, 
and in finding out zones of heat layers in the interior 
of the Earth in view of its utilization for energy 
generation. On the base of infrared imagery, the thermal 
scheme of a volcano may be drawn, its structural features 
determined, under-ground hot-water basins contoured, and 
their outcrops found. 
A "Toros" radio-location equipment has been put into 
practice as well. Thanks to its radiosystem using short 
wave-lengths, & narrow direction pattern in horizontal 
plane, and short pulse, the image of the terrain is 
characterized by high resolution. 
Experience with this instrument has shown that the 
imagery obtained by radio-location, may yield the follow- 
ing information on the ice-cover: compactness of ice and 
details regarding its distribution over a certain area; 
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