Full text: National reports (Part 2)

3. Aerial Cameras 
Wild Heerbrugg 3 RC-8, 7 RC-10 
Zeiss (Oberkochen) 9 aerial cameras (with 3 1/4", 6" and 12" lenses.) 
List of Canadian Publications (42-61). e 
Special Applications of Photogrammetry 
Reporter: M.C. VAN WIJK, Photogrammetric Research, National Research Council 
The projects covered by the field of interest of Commission V are characterized by the variability of 
photographic conditions and the wide range of information that is required from the photogrammetric measure- 
ments, The size of the objects or processes to be measured photogrammetrically may vary from a few milli- 
meters to several hundreds of meters. In many applications the object may change its form or location, so that 
photographs have to be made at a rapid sequence in order to record and to supply information on the rate of 
change. The photogrammetric measurements, therefore, often have to be based on moving or still pictures 
taken with nonmetric cameras, since in many cases proper photogrammetric cameras are not available or 
simply do not exist. Many applications consequently require individual attention and experimentation, for which 
reason they have usually been carried out by universities and research institutions, 
Following is a brief description of various projects in Canada during the past four years. 
Measurements of Stationary Objects and Slowly Moving Processes (Deformations, etc.) 
An analytical photogrammetric technique has been developed for precise determination of the deformations 
occurring in a power dam, A 240 m. long dam was photographed repeatedly with a phototheodolite, A relative 
accuracy of 1:11, 000 was obtained from the photogrammetric measurements (Laval University). 
Photogrammetric methods for the recording of historical buildings and archeological sites are being 
evaluated, involving various types of cameras and measuring techniques (72) (National Research Council - 
Laval University). 
Photogrammetry is being used in open pit mining for detailed mapping of rock structures, for general 
surveys of open pit mines, and for the measurement of explosive crater dimensions and volumes (64) (Queen's 
University). A mining tunnel profiling method using a calibrated polaroid camera and a rotating light source eG 
has been developed (65) (University of New Brunswick). 
Aerial photogrammetry was used to measure the displacement of navigation beacons due to ice pressure, 
Measurements were used to obtain court evidence material in a ship collision case (Laval University). 
Close range photogrammetry has been successfully applied to measure complex surfaces, The photogram- 
metric coordinates were used in digitally controlled milling techniques (66), A 23 cm x 23 cm format photo- 
grammetric camera with a principal distance of 20 cm, developed at the National Research Council was used, 
The camera is permanently focussed at a distance of 60 cm (National Research Council, University of British 
Applications in Medicine and Psychology 
A method for quantitative assessment of contractional patterns of the urinary bladder in dogs has been 
developed, The method involves a mirror wellin which the bladder is suspended. A photography of the well 
represents five different views of the bladder, from which three dimensional information on any point of the 
bladder is obtained. A motorized 35 mm camera, taking sequential exposures at a rate of 4 per second has 
been used in this project (70) (University of Toronto). 
Phenomena occurring in the human eye have been studied from stereophotographs taken with a special 
35 mm camera, Contours representing the surface of the retina were plotted from the photographs (National 
Research Council). 
The healing process of a wound has been studied from stereophotographs taken at regular time intervals. 
The photographs, taken with two press cameras, were used to plot contours of the wound and its immediate 
vicinity (National Research Council). 
Photographs taken with.a Hasselblad stereo camera system have been used to measure physiological 
changes of the human face as a function of psychological effects (67) (Laval University). 
Measurement of Moving Objects and Processes 
A 16 mm movie camera was used to determine three dimensional information on the position and the 
orientation of a moving vehicle at a rapid sequence (intervals of 0, 008 sec,), Six targets, the relative position 
of which had been precisely determined, were rigidly mounted on the car and served to orient the vehicle with 
regard to the projecting bundle of rays reconstructed from the individual photographs (69) (National Research @ 
Movie photography, taken by a fisherman from a bark near shore, was used to determine the course 
and the speed of ships with the purpose of obtaining court evidence material in a ship coilision case, The task 
of the project was to reconstruct the course of both ships before, at, and after the impact as well as the speed 
of both ships at the various phases (Laval University). 

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