Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The potential of photogrammetric methods in underwater photography and current measurements has been 
analyzed (74). Short range photogrammetry has been applied to measure characteristics of waves, artificially 
generated in a model test (Laval University). 
Movie photography of a helicopter crash, incidentally taken by an amateur camera man was used to study 
and measure dynamic phenomena of the helicopter prior to the impact, The photogrammetric results were used 
in the investigation into the cause of the accident (National Research Council). 
Two Media Photogrammetry 
A computation program for processing two media photographs in the Analytical Plotter AP/2C has been 
developed (71) (University of New Brunswick). 
Two media photogrammetry has been used to measure the growth of jellyfish colonies, Photographs were 
taken at a distance of approximately 0.6 m. using a press camera, Vertical profiles of the colonies have been 
plofted from a series of photographs, taken at regular two-week intervals (68) (National Research Council). 
A prototype measuring instrument has been developed to measure holograms with an accuracy of * 0,02 mm 
(62) (Laval University). 
Education, Terminology, Bibliography 
Reporter: A.J. BRANDENBERGER, Photogrammetry Department, Laval University 
University Level 
There are two universities offering a photogrammetry course program with a major in photogrammetry 
Laval University: Department of Photogrammetry - Faculty of Forestry and Geodesy 
University of New Brunswick: Department of Surveying Engineering - Faculty of Engineering. 
In addition there are about 1/3 of all universities offering service courses in photogrammetry (either in 
civil engineering, forestry or geography). 
Technologist and Technician Level 
Approximately 1/5 of all institutions of this level offer service courses in photogrammetry. 
The number of graduates per year for the University Level and for the Technologist and Technician Level 
University Level 
B.S. degree (minor in photogrammetry): approximately 15 
M.S. degree (major in photogrammetry): approximately 5 
Doctor degree (major in photogrammetry): approximately 1 to 2. 
Technologist and Technician Level 
Technologists with some knowledge in photogrammetry: 
exact number unknown (possibly about 15). 
Technicians with some knowledge in photogrammetry: 
exact number unknown (possibly about 20), 
These figures are important for planning of future photogrammetric education on all levels, It can be 
assumed that among the roughly 1,500 personnel occupied by photogrammetry and closely related fields (remote 

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