Kilpelà, E.:
Kovalainen, Hannu:
Kuittinen, R.:
Kujansuu, R.:
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Kuusela, K, and
"Passpunktanordnungen bei der Bündelaus-
gleichung der analytischen Photogrammet-
rie", PIF, Vol. 5, no 1,1971
"On Factors Influencing the Accuracy At-
tained with Analytical Photogrammetry by
Means of a Practical Example", (Finnish
original), MaanmittausinsinóOri, 2/1971.
"Theoretische Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen
der in Finnland angewandten analytischen
Bündelausgleichungsmethode" (Thesis),
Helsinki 1970.
"Aerial Photo Interpretation by Compilation
of Common Maps", (Finnish original), In-
sinóórijárjestójen koulutuskeskus, 1/1969,
"Investigation of the Possibilities to In-
ventory the Ground and Vegetation througn
Photo Interpretation",PJF, Vol.à, no 1,
"Fpactures in "Palsas" (permanently frozen
peat hummocks) Determined Using Aerial
Photo Interpretation", (Finnish original),
Geologi, Vol.21, no,1/1969,
"Determination of Flow Directions of the
Continental Ice Sheet Based on Aerial
Photo Interpretation", (Finnish original),
Insinó6rijárjestójen koulutuskeskus,1/1969,
"Stellar Triangulation in Finlandj Obserwac-
je Sztucznych Satelitow Ziemi 9, Polska
Akademia NAUK, Warszawa, 1971.
"Satellite Pictures in the Estimation of the
Growing Stock over Extensive Areas", PUJF,
Voj,u. no, I, 1971: