Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Paulaharju, Je: 
Peltola, Urpo.: 
Paarma, H,.,Raevaara,li. 
and Talvitie, Ja: 
Paarma, H, and 
Poso, S.: 
Poso, S., Keil, C. 
and Honkanen, T.: 
Poso, S, and 
Kujala, M.: 
Remes, E,: 
"About Satellite Pictures", (Finnish 
original), Sotilasaikakausilehti 12,1971. 
"Multistrip Photography", (Finnish original), 
Sotilasaikakausilehti 11/1968, 
"Thermal Aerial Photography for Science, 
Technics and Research", (Finnish original), 
Insin&&rilehti, 12/1968. 
"Determination of Forest Figures Using 
Paneromatio, Infrared, Color and .fFalse- 
Color Photography", (Finnish original), 
Maanmittaushallituksen julkaisu 39/1969, 
"On the Interpretation of Ektachrome Infra- 
red Aero Film 8443 Photographs Used in 
Mineral Reconnaissance and Geological Sur- 
veys", PJF, Vol,2 no.2, 1968, 
"High-Altitude False-Color Photo Interpre- 
tation. in Prospecting",Manual of Color 
Aerial Photography, American Society of 
Photogrammetry, 1968, 
"Aerial Photographs Applied to the Inven- 
tory of Farm Forests", (Finnish original), 
Metsd ja Puu, 7-8/1969, 
"Comparison of Film-Scale Combinations in 
Examining Some Stand Characteristics from 
Aerial Photographs", Folia Forestalia 
"Groupwise Sampling Based on Photo and Field 
Plots in Forest Inventory of Inari, Utsjoki 
and Enontekió", (Finnish original,English 
Summary), Folia Forestalia, 132/1971. 
"On the Use of Maps in General and Speci- 
fically of Orthophotomaps in Regional 
Planning", PJF, Vols 3, no.2, 1969, 

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