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their radial distance from the center and radial and tangential
residuals were computed in recognition of the faet that image
quality is & radial function. The group mean Square values for
padial and tangential pointing accuracy were then used to
derive second-order curves shown in Fig.s 37 and 38. The
funetions expressing the correlation between radial pointing
accuracies and the radial distance are in Fig. 37a given for
235 targets photographed with a Wild RC8 Reseau camera,
2290 targets photographed with a Zeiss RMK AR 15/23 camera,
308 eollimator images photographed with both cameras,
575 circular targets,
2089 negative reseau Crosses, and
2312 positive. resesu crosses.
The tangential pointing accuracy funetions are given in
Fig. 37b. In order to reduce the number of curves, one
curve only is given for the targeted points and one for the
collimator images. The curves indicate the following correla-
tions between the measuring accuracies and the radial distance:
circular targets - no correlation
positive reseau crosses — no correlation in tangential
direction, slight correlation in radial direction
negative reseau crosses - slight correlation in both
collimator images - stronger correlation, particularly
for radial distances larger than 11 cm
targets - stronger correlation than for the collimator