Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

He felt that the resolution which should be obtainable through water could be much higher than 
obtained now. 
L.W. Swanson said that oceanographers have not been interested in metrics, and that the U.S. Coast and 
Geodetic Survey had experimented with underwater stereometric cameras, but stopped because of the lack of 
support from oceanographers. 
J. Pollio said that, if we can show that underwater photography can help them in many ways, we can expect 
to get more support from oceanographers. 
Tuesday August 1 1972, 10:45 
The Commission President mentioned that this is the first Congress since man set foot on the moon, and that 
the launching of ERTS 1 occurred during the Congress. Developments in photography, imaging sensors and 
navigational equipment, had helped to make this possible. Hence it was most appropriate to consider imaging 
space sensors at this session. He then introduced F.J. Doyle, who gave his Invited Paper, “Imaging Sensors for 
Space Vehicles”, and referred to presented papers by J.D. McLaurin, R.E. Forkey and D.A. Womble, M. 
Benesh, R. Welch. He then introduced the panel members, and called on them for remarks. 
R. Ondrejka mentioned that the cost of imaging systems for space was 4 to 5 times that of those for aircraft 
and gave several reasons: 
(1) the cost of the total mission made it necessary to use very special fabrication and testing techniques to 
ensure optimum performance and guarantee reliability; 
special ground support equipment was needed to integrate with the rest of the spacecraft; 
(3) the system had to be capable of withstanding severe pre-launch, launch, orbit and re-entry 
for manned missions, the system must present no danger to the astronauts, by presence, operation or 
He gave examples of shocks up to 2000g, temperatures to 300 °F for 400 hours, radiation to 1000 
roentgens, and wind and dust storms on Mars. 
D.W. Linker discussed special requirements for spacecraft and high altitude aircraft windows. 
For aircraft, pressure differential of 9.5 Ib/in? is encountered; for space craft, 6.2 Ib/in* However, the 
proof test for spacecraft introduces a 10 x safety factor, leading to 62 lb/in. 
Computer analysis is necessary to determine optical, mechanical and thermal properties of spacecraft 
windows in order not to degrade image quality. 
Windows must be protected against microscopic fractures and radiation. For radiation protection 
borosilicate crown glass was used with a special coating. Heating is used to maintain a uniform temperature 
O. Hofmann pointed out some differences between aerial and space photography: 
(1) in space photography the advantage of covering large areas makes it easy to recognize extended features 
which would not otherwise be seen; 
(2) there is less detail in space photographs, and the camera manufacturers are working to improve 
(3) in unmanned space photography, the camera does not come back, and the mission should not be limited 
by the film supply: therefore, electronic transmission must be made from space to earth thus - we obtain 
regularly repeated exposures of the same area. 
One of the problems in space is the vacuum which makes it desirable to develop instruments without 
moving parts, as is being done at Bólkon Messerschmidt. They have developed a pure electro-optical scanner 
using one open lens and up to 8 videcons covering a spectral region from 0.4 to 1.1 pm. Stereo coverage is 
possible by inclining the optical axis. 
R. Welch discussed the suitability of photogrammetric cameras for space use, summarizing his presented paper. 
He concluded that photogrammetric cameras used with a film return system had a considerable potential for 
mapping from spacecraft. 

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