M. Benesh discussed his presented paper ‘‘Mariner Mars 1971 Photogrammetric Calibrations’”, emphasizing
the need for accurate geometric calibration of the imaging system, and of its orientation in the spacecraft.
F. Hicks showed the first infra-red colour composites taken from ERTS 1 above California.
O. Hofmann said that, in the future, good maps will be made from space photographs, and that photogramme-
trists should be ready for this development.
The meeting adjourned.
Thursday August 3 1972, 9:00
The Commission President said the purpose of the meeting was to finalize Resolutions to be passed on to the
Council, and the next Commission I.
He said the purpose of Resolutions was to suggest fruitful areas of activity. In wording them, it was
necessary to find a middle path between being too detailed, which might tie the hands of the Commission, and
being too vague in defining the task.
He called on J.R. Quick, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee.
J. Quick thanked those who had served on his Committee. He then read three draft Resolutions dealing
Remote Sensing;
MTF and OTF;
calibration of photogrammetric systems; and asked for additions.
F. Corten suggested a Resolution advocating research on a systems engineering approach to airborne
navigation systems, and to systems which determine position, attitude and altitude parameters of imagery.
P.D. Carman pointed out that we have a Commission on Photography and Navigation, with very few
photographers and navigators present. Consideration should be given to holding a meeting at a time of year
when those directly involved in taking aerial photographs in the northern hemisphere were not too busy to
F. Corten suggested that a Commission I symposium might be scheduled to meet this need.
J. Quick began detailed discussion of the Resolutions by reading the first on remote sensing, and requesting
S. Hempenius, J. Quick, Mrs. Norton and M. Scher discussed possible overlap with Commission VII, and
agreed that it was not troublesome, and might be healthy. Resolution 1 was accepted.
J. Quick read Resolution 2 on OTF and MTF, and asked for comments.
Z. Kalensky suggested that the Resolution be enlarged to include the other parameters of image quality; e.g.,
granularity, gamma and resolving power. Otherwise it is too restrictive if it is supposed to be concerned with
image quality.
J. Quick agreed with Z. Kalensky that processing is an essential link in the image quality chain. E. Welander
said that the last sentence in Resolution 2 seemed broad enough to include the factors mentioned by Z.
Kalensky. Resolution 2 was accepted.
J. Quick read Resolution 3 on calibration, and asked for comments.
H. Ziemann suggested that “working group on image geometry"' would be more appropriate than “working
group on system calibration" since calibration would be just one activity of this working group.
He also suggested we should stop with comparator measurements, not including the plotter, to avoid
overlap with Commission II.