- 34 —
bability: (14,65. -o) fori x and y as + 100 m andufora zag #50 mw
(for.1.:2.50 O00 in x as * 23 m, in y as. *t J6 m, and imas
*.5.m) cannot be reached.
Contrary to the results for infrared imagery the results: for
radar imagery might still further be improved by polynomials,
or better, fourier transformations in order to reach mapping
specifications for | : 250 O00 in x and y (as was: proved in
a computation carried out by Dowideit at the Technical Uni-
versity of Hannover). For the determination of z to mapping
specifications it becomes clear that the use of a radar inter-
ferometer becomes a necessity.
The results supplement quite well the single image SLAR-geo-
metry tests carried out by Bosman, Clerici, Eckhart and
Kubik [25] and by Leberl [24] over flat terrain in Holland.
Table 6 shows, as a comparison to table 5 Leberl's test values
obtained for four radar strips over the North-East-Polder:
Table 6
Geometrical Test of Single image Radar Imagery over Holland
by Leberl
single images (strip 2) Ax Ay
standard error (RMS) m
orthogonal transformation only 266 184
(comparable to table 5)
- single images
arithmetic mean between two
strips 62 76
(comparable due to flat ter-
rain to stereo images - op-
posite directions in table 5)
polynomial fit 51 16
graphical interpolation
(Strinz) 52 35
- 35 -
S 4
j ,
5 > 0 H | oo