elements, or to stabilize the aerial camera, the final accuracies m a
will be slightly lower than those listed above. The overall sys-
tem performance is described as^a circular error of position (CEP)
expressed in nautical miles per hour. Typical results experienced
by some users range from .36 NM/hour to .76 NM/hour. The maximum
CEP is approximately 2 NM/hour. The on-track distance from which
the distances between individual exposures can be derived have an
accuracy in the order of + 200 meters. The purchase price of
LTN-51 is approximately $110,000.00, maintenance cost approximately
$10,000.00 per year. Systems for determination of the angular
orientation elements V and i2 , would be more reliable in aerial
triangulation, if they would yield accuracies approaching those
of relative orientation. Gyroscopes and intertial guidance in-
struments, which can produce data with these-dccuracies, are
extremely expensive and beyond teach of private and governmental E
organizations engaged in civilian mapping. The high cost of e eo
such instrumentation nullifies any possible advantage they may
Among the instruments which provide useful auxiliary data
in vertical aerial triangulation, the statoscope is the most
reliable and least expensive. There are several differential
height sensing devices on the market which can be used as stato-
scopes. A very important component of the statoscope system is
a reliable. source of static pressure, (8), which requires a ‘spe-
cial, but relotively simple, installation of a ‘static probe in
the aircraft. The accuracy of the differences in elevation be-
tween each exposure station, determined by statoscope, is the
same as that of a comparable height corrector in APR. It can be