Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

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Table II shows an Aerodist controlled strip, 28 models long, 
adjusted by the procedure described above, employing vertical 
ground control at the beginning and end of the strip. Vertical 
control in the center of the strip was not used in adjustment, 
but to test the accuracy of the method. 
Table III shows an Aerodist controlled strip, 15 models long, 
adjusted in the same manner as the strip in Table II. The scale 
of photography in both coses is 1:29,000. It is interesting to 
note that residual errors on control points in the middle of the 
strip (not used in adjustment), are of the same magnitude as the 
residuals on projection centers determined from statoscope and 
employed in adjustment. 
Table IV illustrates a reverse situation to that of Table II 
and III. It shows the results after block adjustment, of a strip 
of 25 stereomodels, scale of photography 1:40,000. But in this 
example four bands of vertical ground control were used in adjust- 
ment. The elevation of projection centers were not utilized. 
The residuals on projection centers are, therefore, differences 
between the height of projection centers computed from stato- 
scope and those obtained from block adjustment employing four 
bands of vertical control. Please note that in all tables the 
values of X, Y are in meters and of height in feet. 
In the above examples the vertical ground control consisted 
of elevations of water bodies established by repeated APR flights. 
Tables II, III and IV show results of aerial triangulation with 
statoscope chosen at random from a project consisting of some 

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