Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

Type A Type P Type T Type R em m 
[x um 
Scale 0 
= 265 um o. 73 um oy = 601 um ec 276 um e em o 
= 64 um ia 45 um oy = 139 um oy 2712 um d 
z0192 um 50 67m 6, = 436 um 5, = 211 yum e maj 
= 468 um e_ max = 148 um e max =1237 um e max = 537 um 
= 128 um ex = 133 um e nox = 324 um max z 250 um 
Figure 2: Planimetric deformation of a strip of six models 
due to systematic image errors.(Practical triangulation 
project, with superimposed systematic image errors) 
strips, resulting from cantilever triangulation from the different 
patterns of systematic image deformation, are shown in figure ( 
2 and 3, 
Error effects after polynomial block adjustment: 
So far no systematic studies have been made of the effects of 
systematic image errors after polynomial adjustment. It is a a 
conjectured that for planimetry the results will not deviate 
significantly from those obtained for Anblock, which are 
studied in the next section. 

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