Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

forthcoming Congress in Ottawa. The proceedings of the Symposium were published Ae 
in May 1971 in the ITC Publications, Series A/50. e a 
Regular contact was maintained throughout the period under discussion with the 
national correspondents, whose cooperation was enlisted in finding suitable topics 
for invited papers and eventual international experiments. The assistance of the 
correspondents was also enlisted with respect to the distribution of two question- 
naires. The first, an enquiry into changes that have occurred in number countries 
in the field of this Commission since the last Congress, is summarised in section 
III of this report. The questionnaire itself is included as appendix B. 
The second questionnaire was in the form of a comprehensive enquiry into the 
composition and principal activities of photogrammetric mapping organisations. 
A preliminary summary of the results are given in section IV of this report, Die 
whilst the questionnaire itself is included as appendix C. 
With the exception of the second resolution dealing with the inter-commission 
working group IV-VII, the five resolutions of the Lausanne Congress have been 
retained in the programme. In a paper presented to the Commission VII Symposium e e 
held in Dresden in 1970, the acting-chairman of the W.G. IV-VII, Prof. Jerie, i 
came to the conclusion that the research programme required in order to create 
a thorough basis for planning resources surveys should, in the first instance, 
be designed by the photo interpreters themselves. The initial task of the working 
group was therefore referred to Commission VII and it is left to the Ottawa 
Congress to decide whether or not the follow-up should be a matter of combined 
action of Commissions IV and VII. 
In the following, a Summary is given of the themes of interest to which working | De 
sessions will be devoted during the forthcoming Congress, together with a list Co 
of the respective invited papers. (The resolutions referred to are those of the 
Lausanne Congress). 
1. Planning (Resolutions 4 & 5) S 
A.J. Brandenberger - Macro-economic investigations into photogrammetric 
mapping activities. 
H.G. Jerie - System analysis applied to the planning of photogrammetric sod 
2. Automation (Resolution 3) U^ 
B. Dubuisson - Photogrammetry and automatic data processing de 
G. Petrie - Digitisation and automation of photogrammetric instruments for 
cartographic applications,

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