Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

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has, to a large extent, been responsible for a wider acceptance of the ortho- 
photo in Canada. 
France The Ministry of Equipment & Urban Planning in Paris subcontracts the 
production of orthophotos at the scale of 1:2.000 to as many as 45 
private concerns. The tremendous increase in the production of orthophotos 
is best illustrated by the fact that, whereas orthophotos accounted for 2% 
of the production of this Ministry in 1964, this figure had risen to 97% by 
South Africa In the sand dune areas, photomaps are produced as a background 
to the normal 1:50.000 Topographic Series in order to achieve a better and 
more accurate depiction of the terrain. Three hundred orthophotomap sheets of 
peri-urban areas have been produced as a National Series at a scale of 1:10.000 
from 1:30.000 photography. The attempts to produce orthophotos at a scale of 
1:50.000 were unsuccessful mainly due to the difficulties in matching the 
densities of the different photographs involved. 
Large scale orthophotos have also been produced and are very acceptable, but 
their price is against their use. 
United Kingdom There has been an overall increase in the use of the photomap 
techniques by both commercial and government agencies, including reproduction 
for map backgrounds by the litho process. In one government organisation, 
photomaps used for the mapping of swamp areas and coral islands account for 
T% of the organisation's total production. 
Australia, Hungary, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland and the U.5.5.R. all report 
experiments and production of photomaps at varying stages whereas increases 
in the production of orthophotos have been reported by Australia (300%), 
Sweden (65%) and the U.S.A. 
Digital data 
There has also been, in general, an overall increase in the countries and 
firms which produce digital data in one form or another. 
To date, the most common usage is that of highway design - profiles and earth- 
work computations. Relief is generally depicted by spot heights and experiments 
with contour lines have been carried out in a few countries. Research is also 
being conducted into the automation of the cartographic process (Australia, 
Canada, France & U.S.A.), whereas, on request, digital maps can be supplied as 
a standard product in the Netherlands and U.K. 

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