Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

Szabo, B, - Height measurement of road surfaces by means of 
: photogrammetry Lausanne, 1966, 
e a — The reliability of the survey-regester maps; 
Geodezia es Kartografia, 1970, 
| Survey| 
Szent-Ivanyi, Gy, - Surveying and mapping of cities} 
Budapest. May 1968, 
Dekker, H,A,L - Experience in the Netherlands with the Zeiss RMK À 60/23 
Thiadens, HE, air survey camera} ¥.%.7., Yo, 8, 1971. 
a, 1970 Hout, van den C,M, - Digitale Grundrisskartierung in grossen Masstaben| 
- 9 e 
Bules 1971, 5.65. 
| for precise 
000 ; Jerie, H.G. — Operational concepts of topographic mapping in developing 
countries} Phia, 24, 1969. 
— From photogrammetry to photogrammetric systems engineering} 
jit 1968, ITC Publ, À 45, 1969, 
EAVETIGR - New concepts of topographic mapping in developing 
a, 1969, e a countries U.N, Seminar, Zurich, 1971. 
Kure, J, - The role of technical specifications in planning photo- 
Judapest 1968, grammetric projects; S. A.N. S,C..- Durban; 1970 
; Lau 
ausanne —- Saudi Arabian Western Shield APR Project; 
ITC publ, A 52:1972. 
Leberl, F. - Metric properties of imagery produced by SLAR and IRLS; 
Comm, IV Symposium, Dresden 1970. 
- Vorschläge zur instrumentellen Entzerrung von Abbildungen 
mit SLAR und IRLS; Bu1,: 1971. 
- Remote Sensing - Neue Entwicklungen zur Wahrnehmung auf 
Abstand, O02.f.V 6, 1971. 
eying the Shearer, J, - Mountain Mapping; Cart, Journal 6 (2), 1969. 
ring the Waag, van der A, 
Visser J, - The use of and experience with the GZ 1 &t the ITC; 
, Can, Sur, Vol XXII, No. 1, 1968, 
and outer - Review of the photogrammetric mapping methods and possi- 
a, 1969. © © bilities; ' T v,K.d,.L., 1969. 
metric Wely, van G.A. — The Photomap; ¥.G.T., No. 4, 1971, 
Zuylen, van L. - Orthophoto-Orhtophotomap-Base Map-Revision; / 
rammetric Carne Surv. Vol XXII, No, 1, 1968, | 
ia, 1910. =  Orthophoto - photomap$ K.N.A.C., No. 42. 

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