a) Automation - which phases of the procedure have been automated and what 9.
is the trend, based on the specific circumstances in your country. i
b) Colour photography —- what are main reasons for adopting colour "EN a
(e.g. interpretation, increase in plotting rate, etc.) — estimate ratio 10.
between amount of colour and black & white photography.
c) Use of more than one photo scale in single project - what are main reasons
(e.g. accuracy, interpretation, etc.) — were these obtained in a single or
separate flights.
d) Determination of minor control - e.g. introduction of aerial triangulation,
e) Changes in photo-interpretation and field completion phases.
Have significant changes occurred since 1968 in the application of photo-
grammetry to: :
a) Topographic mapping — purpose and trend in your country
b) Cadastral mapping & re-allotment surveys - purpose and trend
c) Large scale mapping (scales 1:1000 and larger) — purpose and trend - what
is ratio between large scale mapping performed by purely ground survey & o 12.
methods and photogrammetric methods
d) Other applications (excluding non-topographic ones pertaining to Comm.V)
Special projects
Give brief details of particular mapping projects of sufficient size or
interest, to be worth mentioning executed or initiated since 1968. This could
either be projects which cover a large region or a substantial part of the
country, or projects executed under special conditions such as time constraints,
meteorological or climatic conditions which, for example, might necessitate the
use of infra-red photography, or those, covering a type of terrain with
particular consequences for the photogrammetric procedure.
Technical specifications
Give brief details of how specifications are established i.e. is there a
noticeable trend to examine these more critically — is more consideration
taken of the user or potential user and his actual requirements, etc.
Give brief details of how projects are planned i.e. is this based mainly on
past experience or is there a noticeable trend to employ more systematic
planning procedures by considering alternatives and finding an optimal solution
for each individual project.