Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

10 Have significant changes been introduced in your organisation since 1968 
E a with respect tot: 
a) New equipment purchased or on firm order 
If yes, WRiCH 2 20000000000 0000000000000 00400000080 0000230000200000000800 
® © 000 00 00 000 000 00 G0 OOOO OOO OOOO GO 0060000 OOOO GOES OOOO OOO OC 0000 C0 000° 000 coe 
b) New procedures used 
If yes, whiohDesesseceoces60e04€400090049 0400999690909 0990900€60909099 94/9 0/0 
m 000 80 00000 0000000 00 00 0000000 00 000000000 00 00000 00 00 000 000000 000000000 
n c) New types of products delivered 
If yes, whiohDeeoeooosecotoeoscceeoonoeocococeoocoocoreocueo eoe Mteoeoeen 90i v0.00 
"hours worked | e€606000000000900000000000000000900000000009000000000000000000000009090090 
B. PROJECT (Parts B, C & D to be completed on all project forms) 
jl. Project name?! ® 00 000 ©° 0 © 00°00 00 0° 0 °0 °° 0° 900 
2. Are data to be considered as confidential in that you object to them 
being identified to your organisation? eod 
1. Distance of project area from: a) organisation..........km/miles 
b) airfield used.....« c» « km/miles 
2. Climatic conditions (cloud cover, snow, seasonal floods, sun angle, etc.) 
L- Coordinate 
s |registration 
devices a) Average number of suitable days per year when possible to take aerial 
b) Average number of photographic hours per suitable day given in 
A )esoteccechOUTSs 
c) Field surveys possible.......moniths per year 
3e Type of terrain: 
a) Relief: | flat f rolling / hilly / steep / mountainous | 
Height differences in one models mnoaneececvem/T ij MaXe +++ ++ +04 0M/F4 
Height difference in project areas Baxeesese ses e/t t 
EL b) Main type of landscape: 
SL forest/grassland/desert/swamp/cul tivated/urban/other 
x e ( ) rural 
area ( ) 
Percentage of project area featuring main type of landscapet......... % 
Percentage of water surface (excluding sea) in project areal......... % 
seats toi Average height of main type of vegetation COVeET%S...0 0000000000 esto on Ift 
e é 9 c) Density of man-made features? sparse / moderate / dense 
(rural) (urban) 
d) Accessibility(for field surveys) poor / moderate / good 

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