Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

of the country in question, the average latitude, the topography, 
the vegetation, the land usc practice, the legal and geometric land 
Property structure, the degree of development and industrialization, 
and several] more. 
It is interesting to determine the percentage of surveying and 
mapping work (including photogrammetric work) which is donc by privas 
te industry (surveying, photogrammetry and cartographic firms) in va- 
rious countries. Based on an impressive amount of statistical mate- 
rial we found that at the present time and on a world-wide level 40% 
urveying and mapping work (including photogrammetric work) is 
| by private industry. 
There aro, of coursc, considerable variations in tho Dercentage 
of work performed by private industry in various countries. These 
variations not only rcflects the position of thc particular country 
in the political spectrum: Capitalistic countries - socialistic 
countries", but also tho percentage of private land property when 
compared with the national territory. This cxplains for instance 
à large portion of the 
national territory is Government property which by tradition is usual- 
ly survoyed and mapped by government employoos. 
it is of some interest to know how the annual national surveying 
and mapping expenditures arc split off as far as tho major disciplines 

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