Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

arc concerned: Geodetic, photogrammetric, cartographic, and miscel- 
lancous wor& (including administration). The determination of these 
portions on a world-widc basis is not an easy task, and at this time 
we are only able to presont some fairly rough estimations which are 
as follows: 
Geodetic work (including control surveys) 20% 
Photogrammetric work 20% 
Cartographic work 30% 
Miscellaneous work 30% 
When tackling thc problem of determining the impact of surveying 
and mapping (including photogrammetric work) on the national or 
world's economy it is nccossary to establish first an inventory of 
what has been completed up to now, to determine the present annual 
progress rates, and to analyse the future requirements. - Based on an 
extensive amount of information wo arrived at the following figures 
as far as complctod work on a global basis is concerned (year 1970): 
a) Land area of the earth (309 of the entire area of the earth): 
1. Geodetic work: 30% completed according to present require- 
ments and standards. 
Aerial photography: Coverage by useful aerial photography 
— 90%. i aT, 
Topographic map coverage: 20% completed at scales 1:100,000 
and larger (this percentage includes only the 
area in which the maps are continuously or 
periodically up-dated). 

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