Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

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Type and distribution of ground control (method, equipment) 
Signalization (method, material) 
Type of survey aircraft (— performance characteristics) 
Type of aerial survey camera(s) eÓ format, principal distance, 
lens characteristics, film-plate, 
reseau, etc.) 
Film-filter combinations 
Flightplanning ( — forward and side overlap, flight pattern, etc.) 
Processing of aerial photography (method, equipment, material) 
Auxiliary data t vno, accuracy) 
Processing of auxiliary data (method) 
Preparation for aerial triangulation (method, equipment) 
Execution of aerial triangulation (method, equipment ) 
Adjustment of aerial triangulation (method, computer) 
Photo-interpretation (method, equipment) 
Preparation for plotting (method, equipment) 
Execution of restitution (method, equipment) e 
Field ‘identification (method, equipment): / 
Field completion (method, equipment) 
Numerical data processing (method, computer) 
Cartographic processing (method, equipment) 
Reproduction (method, equipment) 
Table 2 The process parameters 
2,4. Performance of process components and sub-processes 
The choice of process-parameters has obviously to be governed by the following 
a) The given product -specifications have to be satisfied, 
b) The most efficient (economical) procedure leading to a) should be selected. 
With respect to the first objective the plannner must command information concerning 
the performance (e.g. accuracy performance, semantic information performance, 
reliability, etc.) of the various alternative process-components at his choice. 
With respect to the second objective he must know, the cost and/or true effort to 
be incurred in using these process-components. 

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