Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

In practice, 
q ice of pr ss rameters will nit 7 ‘determi y 
The choi of process parameters will eventually be determined by out at two d 
The product specifications; 
The influencing factors pertaining to ihe project area; The bulk of: 
The influencing factors pertaining to the executing organisations using pre-de 
The existing constraintss to the top-m 
The interaction of the process parameters. and detailed 
. 3 dec s 
These influences are expressed in the form of: Mr nne fino 
Cost and time models; | divechlymihe 
Accuracy performance models; policies, th 
Qualitative information performance models; 
Depending on 
Reliability characteristics 
« ; a) The ar 
for the various process components, available or to be made available to the planner 
The identification of influencing factors pertaining to the project area [12] and conce 
those preventing within the executing organisation [13] and the subsequent ation 
establishment of cost and time and performance models will be a preparatory task. In suc 
1% is not (yet);possible.to present or describe a method, which allows a direct 
e From : 
determination of process parameters, representing the optimal procedure for each 
cs ye ; s be ve 
individual project. 
Instead, by applying an iterative trial-and-error procedure one has to try to b) Tf van 
find a good approximation to the optimal solution. Such a systematic search 
ihe c 
procedure might consist of the following steps: avail 
a) Various different project structures will be listed of pr 
b) For each functional phase of these principal project-structures, various the e 
feasible system components (qualitative process parameters) can then be c) If th 
considered ation 
c) The remaining (quantitative) process parameters will be determined (using accon 
ihe previously prepared performance models) in such a way that the relevant atior 
specifications will be achieved. 
d) Using the relevant cost and time models, a cost analysis of alternative 2.10 Conc 
procedures (sets of project parameters) can be carried ‘out. 
a) Plan 
This cost analysis will be a guide for the systematic search, (carried out by many 
altering the principal project structures and the various process parameters) to and | 
achieve optimisation. If a 
In this, the experience, creativity and intution of the designer will greatly planı 
influence the speed and eventual success of his efforts. prac 

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