Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

for the photogrammetric efficiency. The development of instru- © d 
ments for the registration of photogrammetric data has meant 
improved possibilities of photogrammetric measurement of e.g. 
longitudinal and transverse profiles. 
It is furthermore stated that the photogrammetric application 
in Highway Design has been stabilized during the period and 
that the modern technique has been introduced in the practical 
design work in a number of new countries. 
Item B-Digital Terrain Model, DTM is also treated in the report. 
The principles of the different DTM:s in usé today are discussed. 
It is stated that there are a great number of different DTM:s on 
the'market but in spite of that fact the principles is so far in 
practical use in connection with Highway Design only in England 
and France. The DTM-principle has in other countries received 
its main importance in connection with design of industrial sites, 
buildings, cities etc. 
The role of DTM in the different stages of Highway Design is dis- e © 
cussed and it is stated that the main future application. probab- 
ly will concern the final design stage. The connection between 
the principles of interpolation in the DTM and the application 
for calculation of earthvolume, design of drainage, bridges and 
interchanges is also discussed together with some points of view 
on the further development of the DTM-principle as an aid for 
Highway Design. 
In the last part of the report recommendations for the further 
development within the field of interest are discussed. It is 
stated that there is a great need for an "information package" 
that in a simple way could inform on the theory and practice of 
the photogrammetric application to Highway Design. In such a 
"package" a film with samples of practical application from some 
different countries should be included. The work on an informa- 
tion package has started. 
In the recommendations for the further development are discussed 
the application of airphoto interpretation to Highway Design, 
the application of orthophotomaps, the photogrammetric data 

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