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The geological-geotechnical photo interpretation is facilitated
by a simultaneous study of the photographs with the aid of a
mirror stereoscope in connection with the Balplex evaluation.
The choice between the different evaluated centerlines within
the terrain corridor is preceeded by an analysis of the conse-
quences and cost of each alternative from the point of view of
construction, vehicle operation, maintenance etc. The detail
mapping that is required for the second phase of preliminary
design can in this way be limited to a narrow area around the
centerline which is finally chosen.
There exist of course cases, e.g. in urban areas, when the ac-
tual terrain corridor from the beginning from different rea-
sons is so limited that the entire corridor ought to be mapped
in detail. Then the planning and analysis of alternative cen-
terlines are made by aid of the map. Completing topographic
and geological information can be received by a simultaneous
study of the corresponding aerial photographs in a mirror ste-
The detail maps are generally made at the scale of 1:2000 and
the contour interval is 1l m or 2 m depending on the topography.
The maps are made in a conventional photogrammetric way but as
the flying height for the photographs mainly is estimated by a
compromise between the requirements on good topographic infor-
mation over the entire terrain corridor for the evaluation of
alternatives and the requirements on geometrical accuracy for
the detail mapping, great attention must be paid to the geo-
metrical quality of the photographs and of the evaluation equip-
ments. Efficient methods for the calibration of aerial cameras
and for the adjustment and calibration of evaluation equipments
are available today. Reference is made to Hallert (13). and
Kaasila (16).
The chosen centerline is fitted, in detail, to the terrain,
according to the intentions from the previous phase, by aid
of the detail map. Thereby consideration is given more in de-
tail to the requirements from the points of view of aesthetics
and visibility or sight distance, which is important for traffic
safety. In the design work the information from the map can be
completed by trial staking in the field in complex situations.