Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

In connection with the preliminary design, the geometry of the ) A 
horizontal and vertical alignment of the centerline is calcula- e a 
ted and shown in the form of coordinates for the main points 
of the different road elements. Also data for the staking of 
the centerline are calculated, and tied to a suitable network 
Of control points. 
Result of the Preliminary Design_ 
The result of the design work of the first phase of the preli- 
minary design stage is rendered in the form of an analysis of 
the different alternatives presented on a planimetric map from 
the Balplex evaluation or on a detailed topographic map. Every 
alternative comprises a longitudinal profile, grades, transverse 
profiles in side-sloping terrain, and preliminary description of 
the consequences from the point of view of cost of construction 
and vehicle operation. 
In the result of the design work of the second phase of the pre- e * 
liminary design stage a description of the final centerline and \J 
an analysis of its fitting into the terrain is included. 
The centerline is shown on a detailed contour map, generally at 
the scale of 1:2000. Longitudinal and transverse profiles and 
cross-sections, the result from the calculation of the geometry 
of the road elements, staking data, the result from the calcula- 
tion of cut and fill, and a description of the above mentioned 
consequences also from a part of the final result of the prelimi- 
nary design stage. 
1.3 Final Degign - 
In the first step an analysis is made concerning the method of 
procuring the detailed terrain information that is needed for 
the final design of the body of the road, hereinafter referred 
to as the roadbody, along the centerline, that is determined in 
the previous stage. Terrain topographic data can be obtained by 
terrestrial or by photogrammetric methods or by a combination e E, 
of the two methods. The choice of method generally depends on 
the ground vegetation, the size of the project and the topography

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