Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

4.1 "Information package" concerning theory and practical app- 
There remain, however, still several countries, developed or de- 
veloping ones, where the knowledge of the modern system is very 
limited. It must, therefore, be an important task for the Inter- 
national Society of Photogrammetry to be actively engaged in 
this field also during the coming period. Experiences have so 
far shown that the best way of increasing the knowledge of the 
photogrammetric possibilities is by making a film showing the 
basic methods practically applied for some local conditions 
around the world. 
The film should also be accompanied by an "information package" 
containing also the basic theories, and problems together with 
a description of practical applications in different parts of 
the world. It is of a great importance that the application sys- 
tem is demonstrated in a clear and logical way for getting accep- 
ted by the Design engineers and authorities. The Working Group 
IV/I has started this work but will need some time for finishing 
4.2 Photointerpretation for geological-geotechnical studies 
Another item of interest for further development is the theory 
and practical application of airphotointerpretation to Highway 
Design. Much work has already been carried out in this field 
but there remains still as well theoretical as practical studies 
together with questions of organization. 
In this development also the colourphotography and the multi- 
Spectral photography should be included. 
A summing up of the international status of today within the 
practical use of air-photointerpretation in the preliminary de- 
sign stages would form a good base for the discussion on further 

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