Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

5 BI 
As the production of orthophotos can be included in the deve- 0 o 
lopment of an integrated system for the procurement of topo- r pre 
graphical data, further study of the practical including of (1 
the orthophotomaps in the system of Highway Design is recommen- Dig 
ded. (28 
4.5 Data collection, registration and storage for automated Pho 
mapping and for DTM. (38 
The question of data collection, registration and storage is an 
important link in the further development as well of automated 
or semi-automated photogrammetric systems as of the technique Pho 
of the Digital Terrain Model. The new equipments for Data Regi- 
stration, mentioned on page 15 play an essential role in this 1. 
The technique will obviously be developed in such a way that the 
quantitative information in the photographs will be stored on a 
magnetic tape or disc for further transformation into maps or é e 2. 
other graphical displays, into orthophotos or into numerical 
account in the form of a DTM. 
I must be regarded as important to follow the development in the 3. 
field of photogrammetric data collection, registration and sto- 
rage for the development of a more advanced technique for the 
topographic data procurement. The further development of the Di- 4, 
gital Terrain Model technique is depending on these questions as 
it seems to be more economically efficient to increase the num- 
ber of topographical measurement and use simpler mathematical 5. 
methods for the interpolation in order to receive results, that 
can be used not only for the calculation of earthwork quantities 
but also for other designing activities as drainage design, 6. 
bridges etc. 
(€ 9 

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