Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

Photogrammetry, Geodesy - Data Processing 
(i - 27) 
ren- | 
Digital Terrain Model | 
(28 - 37) 
Photo Interpretation | 
(38. — 43) | 
j an 
ced | 
le | 
Photogrammetry, Geodesy - Data Processing | 
gi | 
LS | 
1. Ackermann F, et. al., Aerotriangulation mit unabhángigen | 
W Germany, Modellen. Beiträge aus dem Inst. f. | 
1970 Photogrammetrie der Universität Stutt- | 
“the gart, W Deutschland | 
} B.u.L- 1970 Heft 4 | 
n a | 
I ê e 2. ^Ackermann F, et. al., Numerische Photogrammetrie. Erfahrungen ) 
| W Germany mit neuen Rechenprogrammen. | 
i 1971 Nachrichten a. d. Karten- und Vermessungs- | 
wesen. Reihe I..Heft 53, 1971 | 
ı the 3. Ackermann F, W Germany Experience with Block-Triangulation by 
“*o- 1972 Independent Models. ACSM/ASP Convention 
Washington DC U.S.A., March 1972 
» Di- 4.  Adolfsson B, Sweden Bridging of photogrammetric control by 
is as analytical methods (stencile, Swedish | 
National Road Administration, Stockholm 12 | 
)um- | 
11 5. Austin W. T. F., Great The Engineering Requirements for Topo- 
‘hat Britain graphical Surveys for Highways. Photo- 
s 1971 grammetric Record 7 (38) 
6. Baussart M, France La photographie aérienne dans les e^tu- 
1967 des d^autoroutes. Bulletin de la Sociéte 
Francaise de Photogrammétrie, No 27 1967 
7. Blaschke, Kasper, Morito, Photogrammetry and Data Processing in 
: Ternryd et. al. Highway Design 
© 9 1966 Proc.Intern.Symposium of Photogrammetry. 
Tokyo. Journal Japan Society of Photo- 
grammetry 2, 1966 
8. Blaschke W, et. al., Photogrammetry and Data Processing in 
W Germany Highway Work. 
1964 Int.Archives of Photogrammetry 1964, 
XV (6) 

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