Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

has before him in "hard copy' a pencilled manuscript which he uses as 
a control, edit and interpolation document as to what is already recorded 
on the magnetic tape. The digitizing operates either in the point or time 
mode in recording the data according to the nature of the feature. 
The software on the HP2116B midi computer deals with the X, Y and Z 
information according to the combination of the code, subcode and 
accuracy code, 
"Bench Marks" of our MTC system might be noted: 
heavy stereo instruments - certain optimum requirements for 
our stereo instruments include: 
(a) that it accommodate the range of focal lengths 
300mm to 85mm 
(b) that it be designed as a large scale plotter, i. e. 
2x to 3x photo scale to model scale 
(c) that it include screw gears inherent in the design 
of the instrument 
that it accommodate a pencil manuscript immediately 
in front of the stereo operator. This pencil manuscript 
being used 
i. as a control document 
ii. as an edit document, and 
iii, as an aid to interpolation. 
(e) that the instrument will accommodate the absolute 
orientation element Kappa (K) inherent in its design. 
super wide angle photography - with the advent of the newer 
Stereo instruments and the newer SWA cameras, it becomes 
reasonable to think in terms of utilizing this SWA photography in 

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