Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

The Orthophotomap for Highway Design. 
For highway design a new photoflight at a scale of 
4 :.4.000 to 1 : 6 000 will be needed in every case 
to obtain the vertical accuracy in a terrain strip 
along the centerline necessary for the computation 
of earthwork quantities for tendering and also for 
the control of payment quantities. The information 
content in a large-scale aerial photograph is used 
by the highway engineer for design work as well as 
for the identification of the property boundaries 
for the right-of-way of the highway. A photomap at 
the same scale and layout of the planimetric design 
map will be of great value in many phases of high- 
way work. 
Such a "design orthophotomap" mostly consists of 
four overlays to be used individually or combined. 
They have always the same layout and the accuracy 
to ensure a proper fit at all times. A combined 
print of four overlays of a highway design map is 
shown in Appendix 2. 
The four overlays for the highway design are: 
i. the planimetric sheet of , the final highway design 
with cut and fill, bridges, drainage, interchanges, 
cross-sections, maintenance areas, parking lots etc. 
2. the topographic sheet of the terrain with height 
information shown as contour lines and spot heights, 
slope symbols and break lines of the terrain as well 
as all objects of interest to the highway engineer 
visible from the air. If additionally an orthophoto 

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