The Orthophotomap as.a Resource for the Highway Data-Bank.
It has been shown in Germany that aerial photography and
orthophotomaps are useful as a medium for obtaining data
for the establishment of a road data-bank. Up to now this
use has been limited to identification and location of
new highways which have not been incorporated yet in the
official maps. For this purpose only the revision of the
topographic maps at a scale of 1 : 5 000 in a whole pro-
vince was carried out, with the help of rectified aerial
photographs. In another province the orthophotomap
1: 5 000 was published as an additional preliminary
edition of the official line map 1 : 5 OOO and is to be
brought up to date periodically with the help of new
photo-flights(Ref. 4, 11).
The same orthophotomap is suitable also for highway lo-
cation (see Appendix 1). So far insufficient attention
has been paid to the many possibilities of obtaining
information for the establishment of a road data-bank
using aerial photographs and photomaps. The possibili-
ties of simultaneous interpretation, measurement and
digital registration of data combined with descriptive
information offer many advantages for this purpose which
so far have been hardly recognized. The same will be
valid for the establishment of municipal data-banks.