Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

Blaschke: orthophotomaps for highway work 
appendix 4: section of an orthophotomap 
1: 1000 used as a road inventory 
map, supplemented with the results 
of the legal right of way boundary 
combined print of base map with 
two color sheets: 
— orthophoto (black and white) 
— slopes, traffic signs, road markings, 
traffic lights, milestones, 
guard rail, barriers, manhole-covers, 
surface drains, telephones (red) 
— property boundaries with parcel 
numbers (blue). 
The legal re-survey of the new 
established right of way and property 
boundaries was carried out by photo- 
grammetry at a photo scale 1: 3600 
with a focal length of 15 cm (6 inches) 
on a Zeiss PSK Stereocomparator. For 
the adjustment in planimetry of a 
block of 9 models with 62 control points 
and 362 new points, the PAT M 4 computer 
program of the Technical University 
Stuttgart was used, resulting in an 
accuracy of position of 
‘check = 3,9 cm and 
"0 — 20 cm 
Regierung von Obb. 
Nr. G 787482 
Courtesy of Autobahnamt, 
Produced by Hansa Luftbild GmbH 

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