Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

vith contours plotted 
Profiles approximately 
E 13 and 9 contours 
vely, were used for 
on the A7 and the 
For number |aver- 
m of age 
i points |slope 
oo H 
33 o, 90 69 
49 °/ 72 5° 
to contours were 
the limited plotting 
experiment, the 
in order to be ac- 
on errors of these 
formation and the 
f error was due. to 
idual profiles were 
igures thus obtained 
stereo-orthophoto Fig. 2 below Contours plotted on the A-7 
The relative accuracy 
n (Table 11). 
nst spot elevation 
tted contours. For 
aced on the A7 co- 
reomodel reconstructed 
ights were read along NN 
After correcting each 
uming the A7 model 
n. 0.358.9/ o and 0.46 
2500 and 1:5000 contour 
ilar to those plotted 
as details of height 
1 in Figures 1 and 2 
itour map plotted on ME 
| : 
Fig. 1 above Contours Plotted on the Stereocompilers 

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