Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

Kingmatic Mark III was used, It could interpolate straight lines, circles and parabolas, © a 
Plotting time 
Colour separation Scribing Cutting 
que pa 
Black 52 minutes toujou 
Blue 16 H 13 minutes 
Brown 20 A 5 
Green 26 " 28 " mées 
The geometric as well as the drafting quality was good. ment « 
The Geographical Survey Office is also producing orthophotos as the basis of the modern Gu ier 
economic map at 1:10 000, The orthoprojector Gigas-Zeiss has been improved in several impor- 
tant respects and is combined with the Stereometrograph from Zeiss-Jena, A continuous produc - opéra 
tion is going on, À report more in detail will be given to the International Congress of photogram- justifi 
metry in Canada 1972 by Mr.s T, Jôrnstad and P, Kaasila, ment € 

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