Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Report of W.G. V/1) the Chairman, H.M. Karara, briefly discussed papers presented by W. Brucklacher and 
R. Schlienger on new photogrammetric cameras, specially designed for non-topographical applications. A 
considerable increase in the number and the variety of metric cameras, suitable for close-range photogramme- 
tric applications, was noted. Other papers, briefly discussed by their authors, are the following: R.C. Malhotra, 
who described various experiments made to achieve higher precision from stereometric cameras; 
M. Cunietti reported on the characteristics of cameras, built by the authors for deformation measurements of 
objects at close-range; P.T. Higgins reported on work carried out at Bendix to make cost-benefit analysis 
application of photogrammetry. 
The Commission President closed the meeting by reviewing the most important points of this session: 
the necessity (Jacobi) of using non-metric cameras in certain applications; 
the possibility ( Borchers) of distinguishing deformation measurements in architecture, the deformation 
from photogrammetric errors, for instance, by lack of flatness of the image plane; it was suggested to 
eliminate radial errors by using photographs taken from three different stations; 
the conclusion (Ferri) on the necessity of having long focal distance cameras in non-cartographic 
applications; this requirement is sometimes not valid for many applications, such as in many cases of 
architectural photogrammetry and when the data processing is analytical. 
Saturday July 29 1972, 9:00 
T. Oshima opened the session by reporting on the activities of Working Group 2. As examples of 
non-conventional photogrammetric applications were mentioned X-ray, microscopic and electron-microscopic 
applications. Application of these techniques to medicine is still limited as the result of a lack of research and 
appropriate instrumentation in this field. Special applications briefly mentioned were the metric aspects of 
television imagery, hologrammetry and the moiré technique. 
Invited Papers presented during this session were prepared by F.H. Mofftit: *Stereo X-ray Photogrammetry 
Applied to Orthodontic Measurements’’, and by K.M. Wong: “Photogrammetric Calibration of Television 
The following papers were selected for presentation: ‘‘Microscopic Photogrammetry’’, by T. Oshima, and 
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“Thermal Images for Study of Deformation"' by M. Oprescu. 
The Commission President closed the meeting by stressing the importance of the photogrammetric technique 
in medical applications. He suggested that a special committee be formed to co-ordinate research in this 
Monday July 31 1972, 9:00 
K. Linkwitz reported on the activities of Working Group 3, “Analytical Methods in Non-Cartographic 
Photogrammetry”’, which were, in particular: 
(1) introduction of calibration data of short-range cameras; 
(2) different analytical solutions for orientation of stereomodels in short-range photogrammetry; 
(3) accuracy of short-range photogrammetry; 
(4) practical organization in applied short-range photogrammetry. 
Invited Papers presented were the following: 
A. Elassal: “Design of a General Data Reduction System for Analytical Photogrammetry”; 
K.G. Lófstrom and H. Salmenpera: — An Analytical Method with Bundle and its Use in Special Applica- 
tions of Photogrammetry ’’; 
P. Hottier: “Contribution to Experimental Research on the Accuracy of Short-distance (7-12 m) 
Analytical Photogrammetry”. (Included in Report of W.G. V/3). 
Due to time limitation the panel discussion was cancelled, and, instead, Z. Sitek reported briefly on analytical 
solutions for shape or deformation determination used at the University of Krakow, Poland. 
Tuesday August 1 1972, 9:00 
This session was a continuation of the discussion of the activities of Working Group 3. 

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