Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Focusing | resp 4 | TEsT 2 | Test 3 | "can 
Scale value 
Reading "x | Y x lx lx 1. Y 3. Z |X Co i 
OO # 41 +100 + 41 #77 + £1491 Po 41913 AEROGON lenses N° 00128 
28,2 +15 | + 5| +14 | + 2 | +13 |+ 5] +14 | + 4 
14,2 +15 | — 3] +144 | - 4] 413] - 1} +14 | - 3 
9,5 + 61-11] + 8] -12|+ 8|-10|+ 7|-11 
7,2 2104.—12]-— 7?1—111-9]-13]-.8 [.-12 
m siTe ae le La ed SL] 
4,8 | -15 | +10| -14 | +15 | -17 | +15 | -15 | +13 
4,8 | -16| +121 =14 [+15 | -19 | +17 | -16] +15] | 
5,8 120] 4-21 2614 41-161 0l 47] & «T N Ris 
742 -15 | - 6j -11 | -10 | - 9 |-11 | -12 | - 9 N 
9,5 + 3} —12| + 4 | —14 | + 7 | -15 | + 5] -14 N 
14,2 «10]-8|[47|-5|4*9]|-6|*9]|- 6 ~ 
28,2 +13 | + 2} +12 | + 3} +17} + 4 | +14 | + 3 
SO +101+ 814+771+ 91+ 51+1314+ 71+10 
Table 4 
e Focusing movement test : discrepancy of the principal point from the average position 
(values are in microns) 
Focusing| mgsT 1 | TEST 2 | TEST 3 | TCM 
Seale vaine VEROPLAST apparatus 
Reading X Y X Y X X X Y 13x18 f=15 cm 
CO -11|4 8| -14 O|-11 |+ 4|-12|+ 4 AEROGON lenses N° 00129 
28,2 -51«11]-- 71410] -11-14431] -98 1411 
14,2 + 31+131+ 51+171+ 6 1+18 | + 5 1+16 
9,5 +13 | + 81+ 81+101+16 + 61+12 |+ 8 
1,2 +10 | - 7} +13 |- 3 | +11 |- 7 | +11 | - 6 
5,8 +:3;1.=13-|+-5 [41 1 + 3 [-13 |+:4. | =12 
4,8 „ee 12421-317111. 7 1-101- 61-11 
8 Trt e722 | - 817]. 0] ~11 
5,8 — 1 |-14|+ 4 |-15 |+ 3 |-16 |+ 2 | -15 X» 
y +10 |- 4} +10 |- 5 |+11 |- 6 |+10 |- 5 
9,5 +15 |+ T7T| + 5|+ 6|+16 |+ 3 |+12 |+ 5 
14,2 + 7 | +14 | +10 | +16 | + 3 |+17 |+ 7 |+16 
28,2 - 5 | +12 O |+14 |- 7 |+15 |- 4 |+14 
eo © ceo -6|-«28|-11]4*4]|- 7| 5 |- 8 |+ 4 
Table 5 
Focusing movement test : discrepancy of the principal point from the average position 
(values are in microns) 

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