cise form will contain the description and data on photogrammetric activity
and work in the country, completed by relevant references such as.
- theory, methods, procedures and instruments developed or applied in praxis,
- extent and results of application of photogrammetry in various spheres of
invct LS
= societies, establishme institutions, and persons, whose merits to the
application of photogrammetric methods, procedures and instruments are
~ activity in international cooperation in photogrammetry /among various
countries, societies, institutions etc./,
= organisation of school education in photogrammetry on all levels / degrees
of education, organisation and arrangement, etc./,
= fundamental text books and papers of photogrammetry, photogrammetric jour-
nals etc.
This basic material has in itself a great value. Suitable uniform rules con-
cerning the content, subdivision, illustrative material etc. of this natio-
nal reports on history will enable and make easy the preparation and editing
of the final work .
In the case we are obliged to postpone the further elaboration of this infor-
mation, as a result of shortage in means or in the editors, we can imagine
various possibilities for the immediate application of this material, A
simple and for the ISP financially little pretentious solution is suggested,
The historical national reports will be published by each member country either
in one common language, or in one arbitrary ISP language in the prescri-
bed form and number of printed copies and forwarded to the editors of the
work, These national reports will then be assembled with some minor edito =
rial work and bound in alphabetical sequence, This assembled work is in neo
case the " History of Photogrammetry ". However, an uniform subdivision of
the national reports will enable to follow simply and systematically the his-
toric activity within the sphere of photogrammetry.
This part should be subdivided and numbered according to the UNIVERSAL DECI-
MAL: CLASSIFICATION / ITC, International Bibliography of Photogrammetry 2 nd
Edition 1965 / as much in details as possible. The national thematic reports
of this part will be edited and printed in a uniform manner and will content
detailed theoretical, technical and economic descriptions of theoretical fun-
daments, methods, procedures and instruments, developed and applied in the
country; application of photogrammetry in various spheres of interest should
be described and results should be given.
The thematic reports should be brief and clear, references should be given,