Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

It is reasonable to limit the extent of the national reports in order to pre- 
vent the work to be "giant" or overbalanced, Therefore it is suggested, that 
national reports which present the highest tendency of growth should be limi- 
ted to a half printed page 
of photogrammetry in the country, not extending more than 40 pages at all. 
2 i a " ~ PE : o. out b 2 d annitnati 
in maximum per year after the first application 
It is anticipated that financial costs of the historical and thematic natio- 
nal reports will be covered by the member societies of ISP. Further costs 
in connection with editing and book-binding of the assembled work HISTORY and 
the Card-register would be covered by selling price of the work. 
It is necessary to know in advance the number of copies of both parts, For 
this reason the national societies of ISP are requested to quote the mini- 
mum number of subscribed copies they will order. Besides the national socie- 
ties other appropriate institutions, organisations, libraries, and even in- 
dividual persons should also be considered potential subscribers. 
In order to realize the work HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY and DEVELOPMENT OF 
PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS, common activity and cooperation of 
the national societies of ISP is necessary. First of all, the societies have 
to come to the agreement about the final goal, as well as proposed measures 
and obligations, aiming to realize the project. 
An optimistic time table, but feasible with a good will, would mean that at 
the XIIth ISP Congress an agreement on further procedure will be reached in 
Commission VI and that a final project reedited by the working group HISTO- 
RY will be presented for approval, This project approved possibly by the Ge- 
neral Assembly could then be realized at least partially up to the XIIIth 
Congress in 1976. 
In order to make easier the discussions and the subsequent decisions about 
the project, Commission VI prepared a questionnaire No, 1/1972 with supple- 
ments, that has been sent in May 1972 to all member countries of ISP to be 
analyzed and .answered at last at the Congress., 
During the XIIth Congress there should be elected an editorial board /only 
a few persons/, who would elaborate in details the uniform rules about the 
Size, print etc. The editorial board would controlthe whole project, inform 
the national societies of the progress and look after the distribution when 
the work is finished, 

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