Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

1.123 preferred official language the national report 
should be 
English MM German [77 Frensh[ 11 
1.13 Should the final objective of Volume I, i.e, an ho- 
mogeneous historical work, be written in all three 
languages, the issue appearing, however, in succes- 
rie sion according to financial means available 7 
If "yes", please answer the question 2.11. 
| 1.14 In case the necessary means or personnel are not avai- 
lable for the production of Volume I, 
1.141 should the project be stopped in general, 
or the individual national reports on history be 
collected, and 
12 1.142 stored for subsequent synthetic elaboration or 
1.143 preliminarily bound to an assembled work, 
where the national reports on history are either 
1.1431 presented in one of the ISP official languages,or 
1.1432 issued first in one common language and, later, 
according to financial means &vailable, 
b 1.1433 issued either in the other two languages in 
1.1434 or elaborated and issued as an homogeneous his- 
torical work. 
1.144 For the historical assembled work is preferred as 
the first official language 
English E German [7] Frensh [ ] 
1.15 Volume II, should the national thematic reports be 
written and printed 
1.151 in one common official language 
English [7] German Bi Frensh [ ] 
1.152 in an arbitrary official language 
English u] German E11 Frensh [1] 
a= 1.153 in all three official languages 
he If "yes", would your society be willing to cover 
the additional expenditures 
1.1531 for translation work 
1.1532 for printing 
NO 1.1533 and to perform this work also in case that Volu- 
me I on history does not appear ? 
1.2 Extent and Issue 
1.21 Will your national society agree with the following 
limitation of the historical national reports / see 
€ e item 5 of the Project / 
"It will, therefore, be recommended that the histori- 
cal national reports, which show the greatest tenden- 
cy of growing in extent, have at most 2 printing pa- 
ges for every five-year period since the commencement 
of photogrammetric activities till 1970 in the coun- 
try concerned, maximum extent : 40 pages” 
1000 OU 
uU Ù 
uU 0 1000 U 
J 01 

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