Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

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Supplement 1, 
In order to clarify the analysis and answers of the questionnary, there are 
given here the necessary explanations and complements as well as some rough 
estimations of the cost of different alternatives. 
1.12 National reports on history and thematic national reports must be estab- 
lished in one of the I.S.P. official languages in the countries affec- 
ted in order to facilitate the final elaboration of the homogeneous work 
Volume I and Volume II. Mark your prefered order of the three official 
languages for individual national reports. 
1.13 See the INTRODUCTION of the Project. If "yes", please give as detailed 
concrete suggestions regarding the problem of suitable editors, as pose 
sible /see Question 2.11/. e o 
1.14 In case there are no means available now for solving the problem 1.13, 
a decision must be made, whether to stop the Project as a whole, or to 
execute it step by step. A practical possibility is rendered by the na- 
tional reports on history. It would be useful to issue all these natio- 
nai reports in English first and,later, according to financial means 
available, in French and German as well. 
In the case all national reports are written in one common language 
/English for example/, it will be much easier to translate it into the 
next two official languages and the editorial work on History of pho- 
togrammetry in all three ISP languages will be simple to 
As far as the languages are concerned, the choice of the German,English 
or French language for the national reports might be free. Thus, the 
first issue of Volume I assembled work History would be composed of ine 
dividual parts in different languages. The final result of our attempts- 
the publication of Volume I - History of photogrammetry in all three 
languages - would require higher financial expenses and more time. So 
the translation of this work in the nearest future is hardly possible, 
The value and usefulness of the work History of photogrammetry in all 
three ISP languages would be naturaly greater than the assembled work à 
History compiled from the national reports published in one arbitrary o Q 
ISP language.

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