Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Lns siGe-looring raGar systems developeé in the last 
uecade maxes possibie obtaining of verrain imaces at any time 
sf the day snd in any 
t " 
co cloudiness, the 
images deine by their nature close to hotours phic ones. Such 
systems found wide set cation wher investigating in areas 
with severe meteorociogical conditions vhere otherwise no ine 
formation could be derived. Resides, these systens being 
based on The principle of recording electromagnetic (micro 
wave) radiation reflected Prox the terrain objects enable 
one to obtain, in specific cases, entirely new information 
on the nature cf the ground &s compared with that gaîned fron 
Birphotos. ° 
Io the USSR the "Toros™ slde-looking radar system was 
produced intended for the ice exploration purposes. In a 
short time the system has found extensive use for both the 
evaluation and prognosis of the ice state in the unfsvour- 
able meteorological conditions of the Arctic as well as for 
the speedy chtaininz of ter rr&in imagen for vast territories 
n geologic prospect ing. s 
Surveying with "Toros" is performed by two narrow beams 
formed by rarabolic antennae erranged along the aircraft fu- 
selage and directed normal to Their axes. 
Image scanning along the flight line is effected Through 
the aircraft translational movement, the image being formed 
on the screens of the C.R.T. operative indicators and record- 
ed simultaneously oo the photographic film of 19 cm width 
moving with the velocity proportional to the ebsclute veloci- 
ty of the aircraft and to the survey scale. By this means one 
obtsins, recorded on the film, the photographic image whose 
density at each point is a function of the reflecting proper 
ties of ths terrain objects for the given range of wave- 
Due to the centimetre wavelengths, narrow directional 
diagrem in horizontal plane,asnd Shorteduration pulse (as frac 
tions of a sec second) the "Toros" system makes it possible to 
obtain terrain image with high resolution close to that of 

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