Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Adams-Ray, J.: Photogrammetry and med 
19:652; 1955, 
Anson, A.: Photogrammetry for non-topographic applications. 
ASP-ACSM Fall Convention, Sept. 7-11, 1971. 
Atkinson, K. B. Some recent developments in non-topographic 
photogrammetry. Photogram. Rec., 6:357; 1969. 
Beard, L. F. H.: Three-dimensional contour mapping by photography. 
Photogr. J., 107:315; 1967. 
Behrens, C.: Mapmaking goes far afield. Sci News, 91:38; 1967. 
Bender, M. J. and Herron, R. E.: Photogrammetry “Uptight”--—Some 
recent biomedical applications of close-range photogrammetry. ASP 
Texas-La. Region Lunar Sciences Inst. Symp., Feb. 1970. 
Brandenberger, A. J.: What can photos tell us. Int Sci & Technol, 
Sept.: 56; 1967. 
Dicus, À.: Down to earth aerials. Photo Mthds. Indust., vol. 3; 1960. 
Hallert, B.: Photogrammetry. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. 
Hallert, B.: Photogrammetry in medicine. Photogrammetria, 20:81; 
Halsman, J.: Stereoscopic medical 
22:374; 1956. 
Halsman, J.: Stereoscopic medical photography. 
and Measurements, 8th 
Stockholm, July:823; 1956. 
Hardegen, L.: Photogrammetrie in der 
( Wild), 429:16; 1969. 
Harley, I. A.: The non-topographical uses of 
Surveyor, 21:237; 1967. 
Helava, U. V.: Commission V: Non-to 
Surveyor, 15:189; 1960. 
Herron, R. E.: Close-range stereophotogrammetry——a bridge between 
medicine and photogrammetric engineering. Invited lecture to ASP 
St. Louis Region, Sept. 1969. 
Herron, R. E.: A biomedical perspective on stereographic 
anthropometry. Biomed. Sci. Instrum, (ISA), 6:53; 1969. 
Herron, R. E.: On “The Book of nature is written in characters of 
geometry”——Galileo. Proc. 36th Ann. ASP Mtg., Washington, D. 
C., March 1970. 
ical research. Photogram. Eng., 
photography. Photozram. Eng., 
In: Special Applications 
Int. Congr. & Expo. Photography, 
Medizin. Neuen Zürcher Zeitung 
photogrammetry. Australian 
pographic applications. Canadian 
Including additional entries not cited in the text. 

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