Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Ayoub, M. A., Ayoub, M. M. and Ramsey, J. D.: A stereometric system 
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study. Photogram. Eng., 28 (4):653; 1962. 
Bullock, M. 1: The use of photogrammetry in measuring body 
movements. Presented to 6th Ann. Ergonomics Conf., Canberra, 
Australia, Aug. 1969. 
Bullock, M. I. and Harley, I. A.: The measurement of three-dimensional 
body movements by the use of photogrammetry. Ergonomics (in 
Bullock, M. I|. and Lanchester, J. J.: Ergonomics and the 
physiotherapist: A report on a research project on working 
postures. Aust. J. Physiotherapy, 15:87; 1969. 
Daughters, G. and Ingels, N. B.: The photogrammetric approaches to the 
measurement of cardiac dynamics. ASP-ACSM Fall Conv., San 
Francisco, Sept. 1971. ‘ 
Evans, J. W.: Personal Communication, 1971. 
Fredricson, I, Andersson, S., Dandanell, R., Moen, K. and Andersson, 
B.: Quantitative analysis of hoof motion patterns, using high-speed 
films of trotter racing. 9th Int. Congr. on High-Speed Photography, 
SMPTE, Denver, Aug. 1970. 
Gutewort, W.: Die digitale Erfassung kinematischer Parameter der 
menschlichen Bewegung. In: Biomechanics, Vol. I, Karger, Basel, 
Gutewort, W.: Fotograficzne metody kinemetrii w biomechanice. Symp. 
teorii techniki sportowej, Warsaw, 1968. 
Gutewort, W.: Photographische Verfahren der  biomechanischen 
Kinemetrie, II. Theorie und Praxis der Korperkultur, 18:444; 1969. 
Gutewort, W.: The numerical presentation of the kinematics of human 
body motions. In: Biomechanics, Vol. II, Karger, Basel, 1971. 
Gutewort, W. and Tôpfer, D.: Photographische Verfahren der 
biomechanischen  Kinemetrie, I. Theorie und Praxis der 
Korperkultur,17:810; 1968. 
Hagberg, S., Hjelmstrom, P. and Adams-Ray, J.: The effect of long 
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Herron, R. E., Peterson, C. R. and Healey, J. E.: Status of lymphedema 
and tumor volumes determined by stereographic anthropometry. 
Proc. 10th Int. Cancer Congr., Houston, May 1970. 
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