Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Agnard, J. P., Boivin, A. and Brandenberger, A. J.: Obtention de potes 
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Symp. on the Applications of Holography, Besancon, Frane, July 
Agnard, J. P., Brandenberger, A. J. and Boivin, A.: Tolermces in 
holography. Photogram. Eng, 38:51; 1972. 
Anderson, W. L.: Holographic microscopy: Recent developments. In: 
Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Imagery in Medicine, F. 
Deaver Thomas and Ernest E. Sellers (Eds.), 6:60; 1969. 
Anderson, W.: Quantitative microscopic holography. Proc. SPIE Senénar, 
“Quantitative Imagery in the Biomedical Sciences,” R. E. Herron 
(Ed). 26:.1971, 
Ansley, D. A.: Techniques for pulsed laser holography of pauple. 
Applied Optics, 9 (4); 1970. 
Brooks, R. E. and Heflinger, L. O.: Moiré gauging using eptical 
interference patterns. App. Optics, 8:935; 1969. 
Buckles, R. G. and Cox, M. E.: Recording of sequential events in a 
translucent biological object. Proc. SPIE Seminar, “Holography,” 
Chmielewski, N. and Varner, J. R.: An application of hologzphic 
contouring in dentistry. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentzsion, 
Imagery in Medicine, F. Deaver Thomas and Ernest E. Sellers 
(Eds.), 6:72; 1969. 
Ó Close, D. B.: High resolution portable holocamera. Proc. SPIE Seminar, 
“Developments in Holography,” B. J. Thompson and J. B. De Velis 
(Eds), 25:99: 1971, 
Der Hovanesian, J. and Hung, Y. Y.: Moiré contour lines, cemtour 
difference and vibration analysis of arbitrary objects. Appl. Gptics 
(in press). 
Elis, G. W.: Holomicrography: Transformations of image during 
reconstruction a posteriori. Science, 154:1195; 1966. 
Feleppa, E. J.: Biomedical applications of holography. Physics Taday, 
22:25; 1969. 
Fine, S. and Klein, E.: Lasers in biology and medicine. Laser Forms, 5 
(7); 1969. 
Gabor, D.: A new microscopic principle. Nature, 161:777; 1948. 
Gabor, D.: Holography in 1970: An overview. In: Holography. State of 
the Art Review... 1970, Thomas Kallard (Ed.). Optosonic Press, 
New York, 1970. 
Gabor, D.: Holography, past, present and future. Proc. SPIE Seminar, 
“Developments in Holography,” B. J. Thompson and J. B. De Velis 
(Eds.), 25:129; 1971. 
George, N. and McCrickerd, J. T.: Holography and stereoscopy: The 
holographic stereogram. Photogr. Sci. & Eng., 13:342; 1969. 
Glaser, G. H.: Mensuration of holographic images by photogrammetric 
techniques. Ph.D. Thesis, Purdue Univ., 1970. 
5.3 Holographic Interferometry, Moiré Fringe and Lichtschnitteserfatren 

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