Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Malhotra, R. C.: Holography as viewed by a photogrammetrist. 
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Meadows. D. M.. Johnson, W. O. and. Allen, J. B.: Generation of surface 
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fetherell. A. F.: Acoustical holography as a tool for biomedical 
imaging. Proc. SPIE Seminar, "Quantitative Imagery in the 
Biomedical Sciences," R. E. Herron (Ed.), 26; 1971. 
Mikhail, E. M.: Hologrammetric mensuration and mapping system. 
Photogram. Eng., 31:447, 1971. 
Mikhail, E. M. and Glaser, G. H.: Mensuration aspects of holograms. 
Photogram. Eng., 37:267; 1971. 
Mikhail, E. M., Glaser, G. H. and Kurtz, M. K.: Holograms for 
mensuration of close-range objects. Technical Papers from 
ASP-Univ. of Illinois Symp. on Close-Range Photogrammetry, 
Urbana, Jan. 1971. 
Mikhail, E. M. and Kurtz, M. K.: Metric characteristics of holographic 
imagery. Proc. SPIE Seminar, "Quantitative Imagery in the 
Biomedical Sciences," R. E. Herron (Ed.), 26; 1971. 
Mulson, J. P. and Polcyn, R. F.: Sequential stereo-holography with 
application to x-rays. Naval Training Device Ctr., Orlando, Fla., 
AD-854 598, May 1969. 
O'Connor, D.: A role for holography in mapping. Laser Focus, 7:23; 
Pierson, W. R.: A photogrammetric technique for the estimation of 
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Redman, J. D.: The three-dimensional reconstruction of people and 
outdoor scenes using holographic multiplexing. Proc. SPIE Seminar, 
“Holography,” 15:117; 1968. 
Redman, J. D.: Medical application of holographic visual displays. J. Sci. 
Instrum., Ser. 2, 2:651; 1969. 
Redman, J. D., Norman, C. J. and Wolton, W. P.: Holographic 
reconstruction of animate objects. Nature, 222:476; 1969. 
Redman, J. D. and Wolton, W. P.: Holographic photogrammetry. Paper 
presented at XIth Congr. of Int. Soc. Photogram., Lausanne, 
Switzerland, 1968. 
Roche, A. F. and Wignall, J. W. G.: The cyrtographometer: A new 
instrument for recording contours. Amer. J. Phys. Anthropol., 
20:521; 1962. 
Sassouni, V.: Palatoprint, physioprint, and  roentgenographic 
cephalometry, as new methods in human identification. J. Forensic 
Sci, 2:429; 1957. 
Sherwood, A. and Thurstone, F. L.: Quantitative application of acoustic 
holography. Proc. SPIE Seminar, "Quantitative Imagery in the 
Biomedical Sciences," R. E. Herron (Ed.), 26; 1971. 
Stenger, E.: The History of Photography——its relation to civilization 
and practice. Mack Printing Co , Faston, Pa., 1939. 
Takasaki, H.: Moiré topography. Appl. Optics, 9:1467; 1970. 

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